Friday, December 18, 2009

10 Ways to start a good conversation

Good conversation is what makes us interesting. It is also our main way of expressing our ideas, feelings, goals and thoughts to those we come to meet. It is also the primary means of beginning and establishing friendships and relationships. But how can we become open to start a new conversation and gain new friends in order for us to connect & communicate with them?

These will cover some of the tested methods that will surely help you "turn on" your conversational channel and become "tune in" to people you meet.
  1. Learn to Enjoy Parties While Winning New Friends-Meet with people and socialize in parties where there are lots of them wants to share their experiences with who are constantly searching for others we can relate toon an intellectual, physical, and emotional level. This search can be frustrating and unfulfilling if you aren't able to reach out and communicate.
  2. Be comfortable and confident- When talking to others, don't let anxiety and fear be a hindrance in your ability to communicate well. It is a must that you understand the skills that promote natural conversations, then begin using them in situations where you feel comfortable and confident and then take some risk in applying them in situations where you feel uncomfortable and anxious.
  3. Watch your Body Language-"Body language," as it is called, often communicates our
    feelings and attitudes before we speak, and it projects our level of receptivity to others. Some of it are crossed arms, little eye contact, and no smiling is often the cause of short and unsustained conversations. We are judged quickly by the first signals we give off, and if the first impressions are not open and friendly, it's going to be difficult to maintain a good conversation.
  4. Smile- A pleasant smile will help you attract people who want to make friends becauseit is a strong indication of a friendly and open attitude and a willingness to communicate. It is a receptive nonverbal signal sent with the hope that the other person will smile back.
  5. Open Arms -, standing or sitting with your armscrossed makes you appear closed to contact, defensive, and closed-minded. Add a hand covering your mouth (and your
    smile) or your chin and you are practically in the classic"thinker's pose" just sends a signal that you're not ready or available to communicate. So open your arms and it will send a signal that your approachable, open and ready to be friends with.
  6. Check Your Posture- Give the person you are talking signs that you are interested to what he or she is talking about by leaning forward slightly while a person is talking and shows you are listening to what the person is saying. This is usually taken as a compliment by the other person, and will encourage him to continue talking.
  7. Teach- Teach yourself to greet people whom you meet with a warm handshake be an opposite or same sex you are dealing with because it is the most acceptable form of first contact between two people. Open up the channel of communication by saying "hi" and a nice smile then your name.
  8. Eye Contact- Your eyes tells more about you and your intentions. It merely tells your interest to the person because the eye is the most non-verbal gesture.
  9. Nod- Nod sends a signal that your listening to him/her and understand what he or she is talking about.. It also encourages him/her to continue communicating with you.
  10. Closing Conversations Tactfully- End a conversation in a friendly note. This lets the other participant feel good about the exchange.
I hope you apply these techniques which are demonstrated in real-life situations and practice and learn them within the context of your own lifestyle and at your own pace.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

New Moon Trailer

I have many DVD's at home and most of them are horror and suspense movies. But this one is my unique favorite eventhough it is not a pure horror movie or suspense one with a chainsaw or bloody-sucker vampire that eats human flesh. Twilight when it came out first, caught my attention and almost captured my emotions. It's unique blend of love and modern vampire theme. Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen and Kirsten Stewart as Bella Swan played a tremendous role that captivates the hearts of every Twilight and non-Twilight fan. - A movie by Stephenie Meyer based on classic novels namely. Breaking Dawn, Twilight, Eclipse and New Moon. The Twilight Saga: New Moon will be in theaters November 20, 2009. By Summit Entertainment brings you the Movie trailer.

Watch Trailer:
credits to: youtube and it's uploader

If you do have suggestions, feel free to comment below..

How To Increase Your Page Ranking

I've been very busy reading articles trying to find out on how to increase your blog's page ranking especially in Google. As a newbie, I am very lucky to find out that there is a lot of people or bloggers in the net to reach out their help and knowledge in terms of blogging. First and foremost, in writing a blog, you should consider the content you are about to write, it should be straight forward and easy to grasp, meaning you don't mislead the readers. It need not to be long, as long as you stick to the main topic Study your target readers, a common topic may give you a little hit, so think of a topic to discuss that's new to the readers. And at the end of the paragraph comment about it, leaving some smart ideas to the reader. Ask them what are their suggestions about the topic. Another thing might be is to join forums, discussions and to sites where you can submit your blog for promotion. Here, you gain and connect to friends and exchange ideas with co-bloggers. It is important to comment smartly to their blog not just a single word or three but it needs to be wise, so you can have more faithful readers and subscribers. And also backlinks are important to. Few sites I might recommend are These are just a few sites where you can submit your blog for promoting your blog site and increase page rank. These are just few of the many useful tips that can help you.

If you do have suggestions, feel free to comment below..

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

10 Ways To Protect Your Computer

My computer recently shuts downs as I am busy doing some internet jobs. So I've figured out why did it happened. I researched for what are the possible reasons why a computer crashes in definite point in time and how to protect it. I've read an article in pcmag and they've written a good piece of advice in avoiding things that can mess up your computer system.

Nervous newbies are often does the 10 dumbest things that bring havoc damage to their computers. Here's how they do it!
  • Plug into the wall without surge protection-When you have a power outage, you may experience a surge when electricity comes back. You can protect your computer by havng a surge protector, but a UPS or Uninterruptible Power Supply is more preferred because it has a battery to sustain the life or power of the system even if there is a power outage.
  • Surf the Internet without a firewall-Never connect into the internet without having a firewall program installed. Be sure to turn it on and configured properly to protect your system. This firewall can be a personal firewall, firewall built into the modem or router, and computer, a server at the betwork's edge running firewall software.
  • Neglect to run or update anti virus and anti-spy ware programs - Anti virus programs can block you in using some application you want to use, it will prompt you to disable them for you to install new software. AV have to be updated on a regular basis to do any good. When renewing the subscription is really a headache because for some it may cost a fee especially when the AV is about to expire. But there's nothing more important than a system protected from malicious programs like viruses and worms/ that can bring the whole network down. Spy ware is also a threat, these are programs that install themselves on your computer (usually without your knowledge) and collect information from your system that is then sent back to the spy ware program’s author or vendor. Anti virus programs often don’t address spy ware so it’s important to run a dedicated spy ware detection and removal program.
  • Install and uninstall lots of programs, especially betas- Trying new software before the others is very tempting especially if it is a freeware, shareware or pirated ones. But you never knew that installing pirated programs or "warez" may put your system at risk because it contains malicious code that can cause your system to behave improperly and crash. Licensed or final releases programs can gunk up the registry if too many installations and uninstallations is made because not all uninstall programs doesn't usually remove all the temporary files in the registry. Make sure to install only the programs you need most to avoid too many installation and uninstallation.
  • Keep disks full and fragmented-always have a routine in defragmenting your disk especially when you does a lot of installations and uninstallations of programs because it will took so long for the CPU to locate the file if it is fragmented meaning, the file is located in different clusters in the disk. This is why the system slows down because it tries to locate the other part of the file. You can use the built-in Windows Defragmenter in Accessories in Programs. Using this progam makes thepieces of files to be placed in the disk contiguously. Another common cause of performance problems and application misbehavior is a disk that’s too full. Many programs create temporary files and need extra free space on the disk to operate. You can use Windows XP’s Disk Cleanup Tool or a third-party program to find and delete rarely used files, or you can manually delete files to clear space on your disk.
  • Open all attachments- Check your e-mail messages if it contains any attachments like .exe,.cmd and others that are most likely executable, meaning it contains code that will delete your documents or system folders or by simply just sending viruses to your list in the address book. Even if .doc files and .xls files are not safe because it may contain embedded macros aren't directly executed by the computer but by other programs. What makes the file malicious if it's real extension is hidden, meaning a .jpg or .txt is not safe because we cannot be sure if it is really a graphic file or a text file. So be careful to be spoofed by that kind of malicious attack when opening e-mail messages.

  • Click on everything-Think before you click any link that can direct you to porn sites or pirated music sites. Clicking a link in web pages can direct you also to sites that contain activeX controls that run scripts in your system enabling the hackers to get in and take control of your computer. Before clicking hover your mouse over the link to see if the site is safe and not phishing the site or imitating the site to reveal the real URL.

  • Share and share alike- Turn-off printer sharing if you're across the network. Be careful in enabling the file and printer sharing because even if you haven't created any shared folders, Windows by default have hidden administrative shares for the root of each drive and theses what the hackers are using to access your files. It is important to protect your files by share-level permissions and NTFS permissions only. Also use strong password in your account to ensure safety.

  • Pick the wrong passwords-Don't pick passwords that easy to guess like using your first name, lastname or any part of your name because hackers find it easy to crack. Make it a least 8 characters long 14 is even better and should contain at least a combination of alpha-numeric characters and symbols for security.
  • Ignore the need for a backup and recovery plan-Always backup your files in cases when hackers deletes your files. corrupts the file or crash your system. Use the built-in Windows backup program (Ntbackup.exe in Windows NT, 2000, and XP) or a third-party backup program and schedule backups to occur automatically.
Remember that the data is the most important thing on your computer so share with your users to help them steer clear of preventable problems and avoid these 10 dumb thing that destroy your computer.. tnx

If you do have suggestions, feel free to comment below..

Friday, April 24, 2009

5 Best Instant Messenger

There are so many instant messenger applications now out in the market that really appeals both young and adult users that caters e-mail services, IM and social networking combined.May it be a desktop instant messaging application or web-based, these are the 5 most voted IM application you can choose from.

1.Digsby- It takes storm the internet industry since it came out. The youngest maybe among other IM applications that integrates IM, email and social networking. It only runs on windows for now but they are working for Linux and Mac versions so we can't wait until we see it soon.

2. Pidgin- Over 3 million users in 2007 that connects all your friends in one place. Pidgin is an easy to use and free chat client used by millions. Connect to AIM, MSN, Yahoo, and more chat networks all at once. This cross-platform IM application that runs on both Windows and Linux operating system is an open source client which means like Firefox, you can add your own tools and improved functionality just by installing plug-ins in it.

3. Meebo- It is far most popular web-based chat application that supports all popular chat networks like Yahoo, AIM, MSN, Myspace. It also has an interface for your i-Phone. Its main power is it works wherever you are no matter what OS are you using.

4. Adium- Adium is a free instant messaging application for Mac OS X that can connect to AIM, MSN, Jabber, Yahoo, and more. Adium can connect you to any number of messaging accounts on any combination of supported messaging services and then chat with other people using those services. Like Pidgin it is Open Source, so everyone can see how Adium works and help improve it.

5. Trillian- It works for Windows platform. It is a multi-award winning, fully featured, stand-alone and skinnable chat-client application that supports many of the popular IM applications. Trillian provides unique functionality such as contact message history, a powerful skinning language, tabbed messaging, global status changes (set all networks away at once), Instant Lookup (automatic Wikipedia integration), contact alerts, an advanced automation system to trigger events based on anything happening in the client, docking, hundreds of emoticons, emotisounds, shell extensions for file transfers, and systray notifications. It is like a combination of Digsby and Pidgin. Trillian Astra is soon to be out and you'll surely wait for that release.

Make up your mind which of these five you prefer to stick on. And no matter what you use, what matters is you connect to your friends at your own comfort..

tnx for reading!

If you do have suggestions, feel free to comment below..

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Speed Secret on XP

To speed up your PC using XP you have to disable extra startup programs because there are certain programs that Windows will start every time you boot up your system, and during the startup phase, they're all competing for a slice of your CPU speed. Extra or unwanted items
in the startup list will definitely increase your start-up time, perhaps by several minutes. Some common examples are things related to AOL, RealPlayer, Napster, instant messengers, and video managers.

If you're not sure about an item, no big deal. You can turn it off, restart your PC, and see if everything seems to work. If not, you can always go back and re-enable an item in the Startup list. This tip alone should speed up your start-up by 250%.

If you do have suggestions, feel free to comment below..