Saturday, March 3, 2012

Making money with Twitter!!

Making money with Twitter!!
Success Secrets To Increase Your Profits and Sales Using Twitter Business Strategies
1. How are you going to make money with
- First of all you need a lot of followers
- When you have enough followers, you need to send them ads, they click on it and you'll start earning money,that's all!
2. Is this going to cost you a lot of time?
Not at all! I tested this method for you and I found the best and fastest way to earn money with Twitter. So all you have to do is follow this instructions. At First, it s going to take some time to create and manage all the accounts, but at the end all you have to do is write some tweets every day, it takes about 5 minutes, that s all!
3. Why do I write this eBook?
I am also using this method and I'm earning a lot of money with it. Now I want you to give you this info so you can make money too and I can make even more m oney! This eBook if free so in return I just ask you to create a RevTwt account via this link. /index.php?id=54325 When you start earning money on this site, I receive 20% on top of your
income. Once you've created your own account, go to the Referrals tab and you get your very own link that you can give to other people and receive 20% on top of their earnings!
4. This is what you need to start earning money
- Twitter Account
- Paypal Account
- RevTwt Account
- Tweetlater Account
- Hummingbird Account
5. Logon to your Twitter account and change these

6. Account
- Name, Username, Email
- Time Zone: Take a time zone between GMT -08:00
05:00 because most people who follow me are from the
United States (Can be different for your situation!)
- More Info URL: Here you can promote your website
- One Line Bio: This is also important, just write
something about yourself
- Location and Language

7. Notices
Uncheck Email when someone starts following me
because over 10.000 people are going to follow you from you, so thats a lot of spam.
8. PayPal Account
This is simple, create an account
and verify you credit card or
top up your account.
9. RevTwt Account
This is the site you
ll need to start earning money. Don't forget to sign up with my link, thanks! ( Go to Twitter Accounts , add your twitter account(s) and AutoPost 2 Ads/Day. Click submit to save your changes. This site will now automatically post 2 ads each day so all you have to do is sit back and earn money.

10. Tweetlater Account
Create an account and go to Account, Add Accounts and. Check Automatically send a welcome message to new followers and in the Send This Message: box you write something like: Thanks for following! I am making money on twitter, you can too Also check Auto

11. Hummingbird
Their sales page is this:
With this software you can add a lot of followers, very fast. You can make followers 300/day!
12. Login Twitter
Log in with you Twitter Account and go to Tools, Find Targeted Followers. Go to Find suggested users, select all and click Follow. Then do this again but stay on the Find on Twitter
tab. Search on a keyword like Twitter, website, marketing, woman, Click on an account that has between 1000 and 2000 followers. Click on Followers or Following , wait a few seconds and click on Follow All.
Now Hummingbird starts following them all, this can take a while. You can follow 2000 people max, this is a limit on Twitter and you can only break it by getting more Followers. Now you 've followed 1000-2000 people. Wait 48 hours and let them follow you back. This is how you get followers! Once you have as much followers as people following you, you have to flush the people that you are following, but don't followyou back. So click on following and click the
bottom right corner button labeled Unfollow All But do NOT do a "mass unfollow" of thousands at a time. You are sending a red flag and an increased chance of your account
getting suspended.
Repeat from step 12 Keep doing this to get as much followers as u need..

13. Launch it, add all you Twitter accounts, click Tweet

(upperleft), select all you Twitter accounts and Tweet something.
Now you are Tweeting to all your accounts at the same time!
14. What to do next?
Repeat step 12 every 48 to 72 hours and step 13 every day.
15. Last notes
Thank you for reading this tutorial. I know it will work for you. Please dont forget to sign up @ RevTwt with my link.
errors, just let me know (It will probably be full of it). ). I you
see any spelling

If you do have suggestions, feel free to comment below..

How to Get Rid of Hackers?

Do you spend most of your time with social networking networks like Facebook and Twitter? Sharing your thoughts and ideas with friends through your tweets and wall post are the most exciting part of interacting with them. Your funny photos and live captured videos made all of these a total web experience. But doing all of these can expose you to possible intruders or hackers especially when you communicate with people you really do not know personally. So I'll give you preventive measures on how to get rid and protect your account. Here are the steps:

1. Don't share your e-mail address and password: Do not share your personal information on the net especially to people you do not know personally. Furthermore do not fill-up information on websites you don't really trust.

2. Avoid talking to strangers and adding them as friends: Add only people you really know personally.

3. Beware of websites that offer fake promos in exchange with your personal information: There are websites that are scams that usually asks you to fill-up a survey or form in exchange something you really want e.g. e-books, music and others.

4. Enable HTTPS: When you bookmark the URL for Facebook or any of your other social networks, be sure to use HTTPS instead of HTTP. This encrypts your communications.

When you grant access to Facebook apps, those permissions endure long after you stop using them. Go to this link to review your Facebook app permissions – and disable any you are no longer using.
6.Use a strong password and don’t let your browser remember itYour password is the key to your Facebook castle. If it isn’t strong, if it includes things that your friends and exes can guess, you’re leaving your drawbridge wide open. Creating and remembering strong passwords isn’t easy.
And tell Firefox, or whatever browser you use, that you don’t want it remembering your passwords. Don’t make life easier for hackers. (To clear your passwords in Firefox, go to “Tools” then “Clear Private Data” the close and reopen Firefox.)
7. Use unique passwords for all of your important accounts (and update them whenever you go the dentist)
For any account that really matters—your email, your bank and credit card accounts, Facebook—you need to use a unique, strong password that you do not use for any other account. Whenever a site is hacked, you see that this creates a security crisis across the Web. Why? People reuse passwords. Don’t be one of those people.